Good and Bad of ‘Reviews’
We are used to assess worth of any product and service by its rating and review whether it is a movie, book, home appliance, coaching institute or your company anything. We all have experience of referring to employees reviews before attending interview or joining a company. Also, students go through the ratings and reviews of available coaching institutes before choosing one. These are just one or two examples. Referring to reviews has become a habit for many.
Whether you want to purchase an item online or offline, you usually first compare all the products and read reviews before arriving at conclusion. Reviews on reviewconnection.co.uk work like navigators and greatly influence your choices and preferences.
Almost all the e-commerce websites provide customer reviews for each and every product. They encourage customers to leave their comments, criticism and observations without any apprehensions. In few websites, you find reviews and ratings for one or two or some products but you can find reviews for all most all the products on e-marketing agencies like amazon, e-bay and flipkart etc.
Honest reviews:
Honest reviews help all the stakeholders in multiple ways.
Reviews make by a customer just like you are much advantageous than any other source of judgment. So they significantly guide you in your purchasing decisions. You get access to diversified opinions through reviews. You can make use of reviews of make by your peers and also you can help others by giving your valuable feedback and opinions. Comments leave by critics, analysts and researchers give you an overview of professional and technical analysis.
Businesses also find reviews very beneficial. This is a way to listen to the voice of their customers. Large set of multiple opinions give them comprehensive assessment of your output. If reviews are good, they will have more customers purchased their products and services. It is a way of advertising for them to reach wide base of consumers and to increase their sales and revenue.
Fake reviews:
Though reviews are beneficial for customers and companies, fake reviews spoil the essence of reviews. Writing a review with the selfish interests won’t help the customers and businesses will also get wrong opinions. Fake reviews may push customers to buy a product but won’t give great experience as they wish. This also damages the credibility of reviews.
There is no doubt mixed opinions represent different voices of customers which greatly reflect the users’ experience. But fake reviews which are left with wrong intention effect customers and companies in a wrong way.
You can find honest reviews in many good sites. Review connection provides genuine reviews on many things like sports, health, kitchen, personal care and DIY etc. which are useful in everyday life
Though there are many websites which exclusively provide rating and reviews of products and services. Always use your own discretionary powers before believing a thing and choose the right decision and proceed. This way you won’t regret later.