the majority of car purchases, both fresh and used, take place utilizing aspects of financing. The demand, just in the existence of a credit squeeze like that of recent years, requests countless offers: from private loans to confirmed loans, from the earnings (or pension) loan to the revolving value ticket in-house car financing specialists.
For this reason, when buying a car in installments, the rule of every conscious purchase is valid: compare. In other words, get as many estimates as possible, as homogeneous as possible in terms of conditions, and carefully evaluate the most convenient offer in relation to your needs and availability. To do this, however, it is necessary to approach the market with a minimum of preparation. This is the spirit that guided us in the creation of this “manual”.
Loans are divided into “finalized” (or installments) and personal. The former are obtained in the points of sale of the goods you intend to purchase and are closely linked to the purchase you are making. In this case, you do not get a sum of money but you pay the price of the good or service in installments.
The personal loan, on the other hand, is a loan with no restrictions on use, paid in cash directly to the customer and repayable with a pre-established plan. The applicant, in short, can use the sum that has been granted to him as he pleases, to buy a car, to do some work at home, to make his children go on an educational trip and so on.
The task of the fifth of the earnings or pension can be collected by workers, social and personal, both stable corrected wordb, bxvxxb, a typical workers and retirees and is reimbursed through the payment of monthly installments at a fixed rate. Unlike other forms of loans, the installments are withheld directly from the paycheck or pension slip to a maximum of one fifth of the salary / pension, until the debt is exhausted.
Another form of purchase alternative to that for cash is leasing (also for private individuals), today no longer based on the simple financial aspect of the operation, but linked (“full leasing”) also to the offer of a growing content of ancillary services (maintenance, insurance, etc.), which, in practical terms, brings it closer to long-term rental, which has also been open to private individuals for some time.