Scholarships and Grants for Single Mothers
Grants and scholarships are making a path to success for single mothers. Although student loans are popular, they have to pay back with high interest rates. Childcare expenses are not often covered by student loan and Scholarships. The formalities for getting scholarships and getting grants are different. To get scholarships one has to meet requirements like grades, educational qualification and other achievements, where grants are offered to low income students.
Educational grants for single mothers: The enrolments of single mothers into colleges are increasing every year. By noticing this government, private companies, colleges, universities and some other organizations are providing money grants that not only for education and for their special needs. There are single mothers joining in the college, who are enrolling for the first time in the college, discontinued their education in the middle and who want to do specializations in respective field.
Many mothers are opting for online education because of flexibility of the schedule they do not have time to appear physically in the traditional class room. Grants are offering for both online and offline students. Below listed are the grants entitled for single mothers.
- Federal and state governments
- Colleges and Universities
- Public and Private Organizations
- Military groups
- Charities and corporations
- The department of education
Federal government grants:
Pell Grant: Since 1972 Pell grants are helping to millions of students it does not need to be paid back. It needs some paper work to apply and one has to fill the application details about their income and expenses.
Federal supplemental education opportunity grant: This grant is awarded to low income students who are registered under Pell Grant. This is granted to only limited number of students of a college.
Academic Competitiveness grant: This grant is offered to Pell Grant applicants who have a 3.0 GPA. If a single mother does not have 3.0 GPA at the time of enrollment, they can reapply if they have 3.0 GPA after their first academic year.
State government grants:
State governments are developing multiple programs and offering grants to encourage the people education and to overcome unemployment and poverty in the state. State governments are allocating special budgets to support single mother education.
Military groups:
Military giving grants to soldiers family who were died in wars. Single mothers with dependent children will be awarded military grants for their needs.
Public and Private Organizations:
‘Raise the Nation’, foundation specially helping for single mothers to overcome their financial challenges. In addition to providing money for tuition fees and monthly expenses, they are repaying loans too.
In addition to providing grants for single mothers, child care facilities are also offered.
Universities and Colleges:
These are receiving stipends and subsidies from governments to offer grants for qualifying single mother. These grants are easy to apply.
Teacher education assistance for college and higher education:
This is service commitment oriented grant. In the exchange of grant, recipient of this grant agree to teach in schools where there is a shortage of teachers until completion of their higher education.