Get best professional metal detector for both adults and kids
Whether you want to pick up a new hobby or it is a buried treasure you are after, a metal detector is a fantastic piece of equipment. There are plenty of metal detectors available online for all sorts of underwater and underground discoveries. The once-upon-a-time job or hobby for old-time pirates is now available and has become popular among everyone who is in search of forgotten coins and other potentially shiny prizes. You can check out tenrows.com to know about The 18 Best Metal Detectors to Buy in 2018 so that you can pick the best metal detector that suits your purpose.
Fisher F22 is one among The 18 Best Metal Detectors to Buy in 2018, and it has many advanced features that satisfy all its users. Mainly, waterproof search coil present in F22 makes it an ideal machine for the beach or rainy conditions. However, its water resistance feature doesn’t make the F22 completely waterproof, as you can’t entirely submerge this machine in water, but it’s just an easy trade-off for a metal detector with this feature set that is generally only found in options far pricier.
This metal detector with two AA batteries can be used for hours of searching and can find out objects up to ten inches deep beneath the surface. This machine will also provide you a readout of how deep below the surface the detected object is, and by this, the user can have a better idea of how deep they need to dig.
If your treasure is in hold of a complicated place, then the Fisher F22 professional-grade weatherproof metal detector is an awesome choice available for you to detect. This metal detector weighing around 4 pounds and measuring around 5 x 8 x 22 inches, provides the best search option for coins, jewelry, and other lost artifacts. The numerical target ID and nine-segment visual present in this machine help identify what is beneath the surface before you even grab the shovel. It also consists of four-mode searchability.
Metal detecting is not just for adults, and even kids can get on the action by purchasing a best junior metal detector. You can find best metal detectors for kids at tenrows.com. This machine can be used by kids ages 6 to 12. Â The coil of six inches size is mainly built for child use as with this the detector can withstand basic exposure to the elements. The child-focused detectors help them to locate coin-sized objects up to five inches deep and bigger objects up to three feet beneath the surface. The metal detectors that are prepared specifically for kids would weigh just 1.3 pounds and measure 5 x 6 x 22 inches. These machines also contain an easy-to-control interface that offers a basic feature set, including sensitivity controls for depth detection.