From birth, every baby loves to play. Playcontributes to baby’s movement;movement contributes to learning, andlearning contributes to a baby’s development. Active play and movement are important for the growth of babies. The kind of activities babies engaged inhas a connection with their reflexes and instinct at birth. Once they start growing, they learn how to control their arm and leg movements which enables them to extend their hands to objects, lifts their legs to kick and move their body to different angles.
Babies are not alike, even those from the same parent and that is why learning in babies takes different stages. Most babies experiment through movement, in the process, they are learning what their body can do. Baby’s plays are very simple but inclusive in the act of playing is gradual interaction with the environment in which they find themselves. The baby does not even know this interaction with the environment; it is a learning process inherent in the play activities through movement of different part of their body.
How do you know your baby is learning? For example; you pick an object far away from your baby; he watches as you move closer to him with the object in your hand. Immediately you are within reach of him; hestretches his hand to take the object from you. Although all he wanted to do is play with the object, he understands that movement of his hand forward to take the object is necessary. The above assertion shows that playing, movement, and learning have a relationship.
Gross motor skills develop in babies through lots of practice at moving different parts of their bodies. The more babies play, the stronger they become, and the more coordinated they are in the long run. That is why it is important for parents to encourage their babies, with a lot of praise when they are playing, it lifts their spirit to try new things. Parents’ encouragement to baby’s play is essential for their physical development and movement skills.
Curiosity and interest of a baby in an object far away makes him start crawling. He wants to play with the object,butit is not close to him. For this reason, he learns to push himself forward with his hands and knees, then moves towards the object. Crawling in this scenario is a movement acquired through learning because the baby wants to have some fun.
Many play ideas aid baby’s movement and learning. Below are some highlighted play ideas that can help baby with movement and learning.
Getting a toy or rattle for baby aids movement of the hand, especially when the toy is colorful and has sound. They shake the toy while playing, moving their hands around with lots of excitement.
Stand a few distances from your baby with fun and bright objects, then encourage him to move to get the objects. An attractive object entice babies which makes them move towards the direction of the object. Also, putting a toy within easy reach of the baby by hanging it induces movement.
Babies react with the movement of their body to songs around them. Parents should sing for their babies for them to shake their body. It is an exercise which is good for the body.
Parents should endeavor to allow their babies a playing time on the floor for movement of their body from want angle to another. Let her do the playing by herself by not trying to force her to do something different. Watch and monitor the way she plays and enjoys it.
Help your baby to rest on their tummy either on a firm surface or your chest depending on which is convenient for the baby. That way, he can learn sitting up using his elbows, then is hands before sitting down. This can be practiced 15-20 minutes per day.
Worry about baby development
Development in baby occurs in a similar order, but it differs in age. Some baby’s development phase is rapid, while some are delayed. The mother can tell more about the growth of the baby for the little time they have spent together since birth.
It is however important for a parent to study the growth process of their baby, including movement and play. If there is positivity in a baby’s play and movement, parents should make an effort to support the baby learning and development. Otherwise, it is advisable to see physicians for consultation.
When the following occurs in a baby, it is crucial to take the necessary steps to rectify the issue. They are;
- When the baby does not play the way, she has been playing earlier. This could happen at any point in time and could be as a result of different reasons. Seeing a nurse or doctor in time is ideal for diagnosing.
- When the baby seems unusually slack or inflexible as opposed to being flexible and active, it necessitates for the utmost attention. Sluggishness in your baby is inimical to her growth.
- When the baby does not get frightened with high sound and noise closer to, the services of a consultant will be needed to identify the causes of fearl
In conclusion, playing is good for the babies because of its learning and developmental effect. It should of concern to parents if their baby ceases to play or is not making any attempt to move part of their body. Growth in infants requires movement because babies discover so many ideas while trying to move around. Learning in babies starts from play as it induces movement in them. Any deviation from the act of playing and movement should be put under check to avoid disability in the baby at the early stage of living. Parents should not deny the baby of play time; rather, they should be supportive at all time.