human rights topics in 2020

Main Agendas of human rights topics in 2020

Human rights are the basic rights given to all people irrespective of caste, creed, race, gender, nationality, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and freedom, right to education, right to speech and expression, freedom from slavery, etc. every human being has the freedom to enjoy these rights without facing any discrimination. International human rights law protects these rights and freedom of the person. It states the rules and regulations for the government to follow so that people will not be debarred from these rights. There are many human rights topics laid down by the united nations for the betterment of people.

Human rights topic in 2020: –

United nations try their best to protect the rights of people but from time to time many new emerging issues threaten the survival of humans. This year there are many rising issues that the international body is trying to focus on.

  • Civil rights

Civil rights have been a pressing issue all over the world where black people are constantly trying to fight for the prejudices against them. This issue has been again in popular debate due to the recent case of the killing of a black man by the hands of a white cop. The incident created worldwide protests which forced the government to look at the civil rights movement again. The UN tries to protect black people from racial discrimination all over the world.

human rights topics in 2020

  • Women rights

Women have always been treated as second class citizens. The main reason for such kind of disparity is their lack of social, economic, and political power.  Gender equality and women’s rights protection is another important aspect. The basic things like equal pay for equal work, ending domestic violence against women, girl child education are various programs that the government is implementing to empower women in various fields.

  • Children rights

A child is the future of a nation. The prosperity of a country depends on the development of children. The government is trying to remove various issues related

to child education, child marriage, child labor, etc. There is a fixed age for marriage and children until the age of 16 receives compulsory education. and The UN focuses on how societies and governments view the welfare of children.

  • Global mental health

Mental health is one of the most neglected issues worldwide. The need for this has increased during the time pandemic where people are forced to spend maximum time at their homes. The government should fix some budgets to look after people’s mental health.

Human rights are very essential for a society to function properly. There are various human rights topics on which there are endless discussions. Nowadays these rights are being violated and the government should join hands with people to tackle this issue.

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