Approach Med Law Groups for seeking compensation for the losses due to Abilify

Due to the reasons of psychotic issues, people use to take antipsychotic drugs. People suffering from mental illness are prescribed with antipsychotic drug for remedy. The mental illness such as rage, dementia, unable to respond properly, lack of peace in mind, unable to respond emotionally, not taking things as it is, unnecessary arguments against truth and facts etc are treated using antipsychotic drugs. The antipsychotic is believed to unleash tranquility for the person suffering from mental illness for giving them remedy.  One of the famous antipsychotic drugs is Abilify. It is a nationwide famous drug given for psychotic patients of different conditions and mental illness.

 Abilify affects

Taking a drug for any kind of remedy is quite common but in the same way considering the side effects is also most important.  One of the major issues to deal with Abilify drug is side effects especially in mind. Things get worse if the antipsychotic drugs affect the mind as it changes the behavior of the person and they go out of control.  Actually the person that takes antipsychotic drugs use it for recovery from Schizophrenia but the fact is that Abilify affects the person and most of the person that takes Abilify becomes addicted to gambling or sex or shopping in compulsive manner. Due to this many people commit suicide as they are not able to overcome the addiction and in the same way they lose a lot of things because of the addiction.

Truth concealed

Factually the truth behind the risk of taking this drug is concealed by the drug manufacturers. Though knowing the danger of taking this drug especially about addiction side effects, drug manufacturers did not take any steps towards the welfare of the patients.  Moreover the patients that take this drug also develops type 2 diabetes even it affects the children for whom the drug is prescribed for regulating their mind. This is really serious as it totally transforms the person and the person becomes addicted to different things and the entire family of the person becomes crippled. Despite all these things, this drug is advertised and sold for a lot of patients to treat the mental disorders especially related to Schizophrenia.

 Terrible issue

One of the terrible issues behind this drug is that many doctors and clinicians prescribe this drug instead of antidepressant if the anti depressant did not work for the patients. Initially the patient is given with anti depressants for treating anxiety, insomnia, depression and other related issues. If the anti depressant does not work, Abilify is prescribed despite the risks.


There are many families that lost a lot due to abilify complusive shopping. The patients suffering from addiction due to Abilify shop without control without necessity. Meds Law group takes the cases of their clients to find justice for them regarding their losses due to the side effects and damages caused by Abilify. The case is filed against the manufacturer and compensation is sought. As there is no proper ground for the Abilify manufacturer to argue or stand against the case, appropriate compensation has to be paid for sure.

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